
Transactions are imported on a regular basis and stored so they can be easily retrieved and searched for a timeframe that exceeds the usual timeframe your bank will hold them on record for you.

It is important to note, that by default you will fetch transactions for all of your accounts. You can limit it to one or multiple accounts by applying the account filter criterium.

What can you do with Transaction?

The EBICS::Box API lets you perform several different actions with a Transaction:

Transaction properties

account string required

Your EBICS::Box account which had given transaction.

{ "account": "DE12345678987654345678" }
id string required

Unique identifier provided by the EBICS::Box and not available on banking systems. We generate one to allow easy lookup and import without having to deal with duplicates.

{ "name": "Customer payments" }
name string required

Other party's name.

{ "name": "John Doe" }
iban string required

Other party's IBAN.

{ "iban": "DE12345678987654345678" }
bic string required

Other party's BIC.

{ "bic": "DEUS2149509" }
type string required

Can be either credit or debit.

{ "type": "credit" }
amount_in_cents string required

Amount in cents

{ "amount_in_cents": 10034 }
executed_on date required

Date the transaction has been processed by the financial institution.

{ "executed_on": "2016-05-06" }
reference string optional

Classic reference which appears om recipient bank statements.

{ "reference": "Your brand new car" }
end_to_end_reference string optional

Unique reference / id for a credit transfer. The id has to be unique by account.

{ "end_to_end_reference": "my-transaction-0000245" }
_links object

URLs for related resources and potential next actions

  "_links": {
    "self": "https://…",
    "account": "https://…"


GET /transaction
Fetch transactions for all available accounts

Filter by account


Type of statement: 'credit' or 'debit'


Date from which on to filter the results


Date to which filter results


Page to show

(default: 1)

Amount of results

(default: 10) (maximum: 100)

Fetch all transactions

GET /transactions


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "45878dee-21b7-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77"
    "account": "DE02700205000007808005",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "iban": "DE02700205000007808005",
    "bic": "DEUS2149509",
    "type": "credit",
    "amount_in_cents": 10023,
    "executed_on": "2016-05-02",
    "reference": "Text on bank statement",
    "end_to_end_reference": "some-unique-ref-1",
    "_links": {
      "self": "https://box.url/transactions/45878dee-21b7-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77",
      "account": "https://box.url/accounts/DE02700205000007808005"