Credit Transfers

Endpoint to transfer money from one of your accounts to another account. The recipient can be either another of your accounts, or some customer's account. Please note that transfers between your own accounts are not faster than those to unknown accounts.

What can you do with Credit Transfer?

The EBICS::Box API lets you perform several different actions with a Credit Transfer:

Credit Transfer properties

account string required

IBAN of the account from which the money is transferred.

{ "name": "Customer payments" }
name string required

Recipient's name

{ "name": "John Doe" }
iban string required

Recipient's IBAN

{ "iban": "DE12345678987654345678" }
bic string required

Recipient's BIC

{ "bic": "DEUS2149509" }
amount_in_cents integer required

Amount in cents i.e. if you want to transfer 700,34 EUR this would be 70034.

{ "amount_in_cents": 20045 }
end_to_end_reference string required

Unique reference / id for a credit transfer. The id has to be unique by account.

{ "end_to_end_reference": "my-transaction-0000245" }
reference string max. length 140 chars

Classic reference which appears om recipient bank statements.

{ "reference": "Your brand new car" }
execution_date date default: next banking day

An optional date on which the order is to be executed. If not provided, this will be the next possible banking day.

{ "execution_date": "2016-06-01" }
urgent boolean default: false

If specified, the Box will try to execute the order with high priority. This is not about internal processing, but refers to what banks / clearers will do. Usually this will cost extra and you should expect extra charges.

{ "urgent": false }


GET /credit_transfers
Fetch credit transfers for all available accounts

Filter by account


Page to show

(default: 1)

Amount of results

(default: 10) (maximum: 100)

Fetch all accounts

GET /accounts


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": "45878dee-21b7-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77"
    "account": "DE02700205000007808005",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "iban": "DE02700205000007808005",
    "bic": "DEUS2149509",
    "amount_in_cents": 10023,
    "reference": "Message for your customer's statement",
    "end_to_end_reference": "2016-0000065",
    "executed_on": "2016-05-01",
    "status": "money_transferred"
GET /credit_transfers/:id
Fetch details for a single credit transfer

ID of credit transfer you want to fetch


Fetch a single credit transfer

GET /credit_transfers/45878dee-21b7-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "id": "45878dee-21b7-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77"
  "account": "DE02700205000007808005",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "iban": "DE02700205000007808005",
  "bic": "DEUS2149509",
  "amount_in_cents": 10034,
  "reference": "Message for your customer's statement",
  "end_to_end_reference": "2016-0000065",
  "status": "money_transferred",
  "history": [
    { "on": "2016-05-01", "status": "accepted" },
    { "on": "2016-05-01", "status": "uploaded" },
    { "on": "2016-05-02", "status": "money_transferred" }
  "_links": {
    "self": "https://box.url/credit_transfers/45878dee-21b7-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77",
    "account": "https://box.url/accounts/DE02700205000007808005",
    "transaction": "https://box.url/transactions/c40abc22-21b7-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae7"
POST /credit_transfers
Initiate a new credit transfer

Initiate a basic credit transfer

POST /credit_transfers
  "account": "DE02700205000007808005",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "iban": "DE02700205000007808005",
  "bic": "DEUS2149509",
  "amount_in_cents": 10034,
  "end_to_end_reference": "2016-0000065n"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  message: "Credit transfer has been initiated successfully!"